
Econ sign up to Armed Forces Covenant Pledge

Econ Group are supporters of the Armed Forces and ex-service personnel and have made the commitment to employ personnel from the Armed Forces Community. We recognise the contribution that service personnel, both regular and reservist, veterans and military families have already made to our country as well as the contribution they can make to our organisation, as well as our community.

To view our pledge, you can download our certification.

Orpington Maintenance Delivery Unit have been utilising Econ’s Services since the commencement of the new Environmental Services contract in October 2021. Since mobilisation Econ have provided our DU with a very efficient and professional service. The customer service and contract team are very friendly and approachable. I use the services of Econ primarily for Non-Emergency call outs which includes both general litter picking and fly tipping jobs as well as larger and more complex waste issues. Every job that I raise is acknowledged and responded to within a quick timescale. Following the completion of each job, I receive a signed completion certificate including photos and detailed commentary. Similarly the period payment reporting is issued on time with full back up information for ease of reference. This enables us to identify jobs and authorise payment quickly. I can strongly recommend the services of Econ who have improved the levels of service previously experienced and assisted our team with the resolution of a number of more difficult and costly cases on our patch.

Current Waste & Fly tipping Clearance Contract Sept 2023

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